Benchmark the Industry 4.0 adoption of your food company

Benchmark the Industry 4.0 adoption of your food company

10 paradigm shifts in the food processing industry

Companies are investing heavily in Industry 4.0 technologies (such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Big Data), expecting transformative results. However, many often experience only slow and gradual improvements and a limited return on investment. 

To understand why, University of Antwerp, delaware, Flanders' FOOD, and VLAIO initiated a research project to uncover the key challenges holding companies back and provide strategic directions for better results. The findings of this research are presented in a series of reports.  

Fill in the form on the left to register. You'll gain exclusive access to:

  • the library with all reports on paradigm shifts in Industry 4.0
  • the first international Industry 4.0 assessment for food processing companies, with everything you need to benchmark your company against peers and personalized advice on how to get/stay ahead
  • the most important updates directly in your mailbox (don't worry, our communication stops after the results of the assessment)
  • our kickoff webinar.

What can you expect in the reports?

The reports will be released gradually while the international Industry 4.0 assessment is running. Find out what is already available and what will become accessible in the upcoming weeks:

Available in the library

Coming soon